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37-year-old Heather Edwards died after undergoing a caesarian section at Ridgecrest Regional Hospital in Ridgecrest, California. Heather leaves behind her young daughter and husband.

Heather Edwards was full-term pregnant when she admitted herself to Ridgecrest Hospital. After the caesarian section was performed, Heather began bleeding profusely. After two failed subsequent surgeries to identify the cause of the bleeding, the doctors ordered Ridgecrest Hospital nurses to immediately transfer Mrs. Edwards to a higher level of care facility. Tragically for Heather and her family, the nurses failed to properly carry out this order and the helicopter air ambulance did not arrive at Ridgecrest Hospital until 5 hours after the order was given. This delay cost an otherwise healthy woman her life.

The family is represented by Ryan Saba of the law firm Rosen Saba, LLP in Beverly Hills, California.

As Mr. Saba points out, “if the hospital personnel would have done their job correctly, Heather Edwards would still be with us and would have been by her beautiful daughter’s side when she recently celebrated her second birthday.” The facts of the case simply show the hospital’s grossly negligent medical care. Mr. Saba intends to “help the family obtain justice for this tragic event,” accurately pointing out “there is absolutely no reason for a woman to die after giving birth in our modern society.” The “failure of the hospital nursing staff to perform their professional duties within the standard of care we have come to rely” turned what should have been a beautiful celebration for the new family, the birth of their daughter, into a heartbreaking story of loss.

This case goes to trial in San Bernadino County Superior Court on September 29, 2014.

Kristen Marquis Dennis
WebPresence, Esq.
228 Idaho Ave
Santa Monica, CA

Rosen Saba, LLP: Offering unparalleled individual commitment to every client.